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We were working on the QA project of a mobile app for a LA based startup. As a WA presence, it is helpful if we can report the crashes along with the stack traces which will help the developers to find the root cause very quickly and resolve it. This is particularly important in the domain of mobile apps, as the crash can in most cases be device dependent and O/S dependent and may not always be reproducible on handsets that the developers use.


Here is how we setup the test machines to extract stack trace:


    1. Android SDK tools,
    2. Android SDK platform tools,
    3. Google USB Driver.

    • Before connecting handset with computer using USB cable, switch on USB debugging in mobile device. (go to Settings-> Applications-> Development) and check the box USB debugging).


  • Go to command window and go to platform-tools location. (for that type cd <space><platform-tools location> press enter (You can copy the platform-tools location address and paste it).


  • In the platform-tools location, type  adb logcat > log.txt , then press enter.
  • Then  reproduce a crash in mobile device.
  •  Press Ctrl + c to abort command and save the text file.(Opening log.txt file you will get stack trace of the crash ).
And send to the happy developers!! 🙂