vBridge is not your typical development workshop. vBridge has always provided us with insights into our own technology to help us better enhance our products and drive vision from a technical perspective. The vBridge team has been a joy to work with – their rates are affordable, communication has always been easy and their work […]
We had an adwords account which was showing a lot of clicks but the user registrations were pretty low. After a discussion with the vBridge folks – Ami, we realized that most of the adwords clicks were not coming from our target audience. We handed ove the account to vBridge and could see the improvement […]
Microsoft Launches Streetside In Germany Hoping to avoid the problems that have plagued Google’s Street View service, Microsoft says it will launch its version — Streetside — in Germany next month. Microsoft Germany tells Deutsche Welle that Streetside vehicles will begin driving in four cities (Nuremberg, Furth, …Please visit Search Engine Land for the full […]
Development and Maintenance of AnswerBloom.com, a California based start-up. Involves LinkedIn Integration and oAuth API Intergation as well. Technology: PHP, mySql, LinkedIn, oAuth
Adwords campaign management. Involves keyword research, improving click through rates and hence quality scores.
A Data Entry Project and a Quality Assurance Project for PunchCard.com, a California-based start-up. Data Entry Invoices scanned or photographed by mobile users have to be audited and entered into an auditing interface. 100% accuracy mandatory. Also involves various validation procedures in addition to simple data entry work. Quality Assurance vBridge was […]
Deluxe Corporation is a Fortune 500 company headquartered in Minnesota. AdTraction is a complex, but well designed application to manage 3rd party marketing campaigns in adwords (Google), adcenter (Bing) etc. vBridge executed the design, development, support as well as maintenance phases of this ongoing project. Technologies: PHP, mySql, Web Services, SOAP, XML, Adwords, Adcenter, Subversion, […]
vBridge understood our requirements and formed the campaigns to suit it. We wanted to have a certain branding and needed be the top result when people search for the services we offer. Thanks to them, we are attracting more users and will save money in the long run. It was wise decision to outsource our […]
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Utenim ad minima veniam quis nostru exe rcitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosa nisi ut aliquid ex ea commo di consequature quis autem veleumiur reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velita